Raksha Bandhan 2021 falls on 15th of August this year. This festival is a tribute to divine attachment of love between brothers and sisters. This festival every year occurs in the month of Sravan on the full moon day usually in July or August. It is celebrated usually in North India by all religion people.
It is most popular Hindu festival in which girls tie rakhi or sacred thread around their brother’s wrist and in return the brother promises to safeguard her sister and care and protect her from all evils and difficulties in her life. The sacred thread signifies the bond of protection in which sister prays for the well being of her brother. Brothers give gifts or money to her sister on this day.
Browse Some Top collection of Rakhi Day Images & Pictures
Raksha Bandhan images and pictures are exchanged by siblings through SMS, e-mails and social media networking sites on Facebook timelines or on what’s app. We therefore bring to you a vast collection of beautiful and colourful Rakhi day Images, pictures for Raksha Bandhan which will make your sibling happy and smiling no matter whether they are close or miles apart from you. Our collection of SMS, Quotes and Images are unique and will enthral you and convey your feelings and wishes for Rakhi day to your brothers or sisters.
Happy Raksha Bandhan Images, Raksha Bandhan Images Free Download, Rakhi Images Raksha Bandhan are provided in this post. We have collected these great collection of raksha bandhan 2021 images, rakhi images raksha bandhan, raksha bandhan image pictures, raksha bandhan images downloading, download raksha bandhan images. You can use these raksha bandhan 2021 images as facebook covers, whatsapp dp’s. Feel free to share these Happy raksha bandhan Images with your friends and family and make the whole festive affair even more joyful and happy.
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